The Town of Durham engaged Terradyn Consultants, LLC to provide them with shoulder improvements to a little more than 3,000 linear feet of Davis Road as well permitting a stream crossing through the MDEP. The un-improved Davis Road posed a series of life-safety issues. There was a low shoulder and steep embankments throughout the project area. A typical embankment has a 3:1 horizontal:vertical slope. The existing embankment was more than three times steeper in many areas. There are several areas that had more than an 8’ vertical drop from the top to the bottom of the embankment. The shoulder near the stream crossing area actually had 15 feet of vertical drop with no guardrail. The Town plans to put the project out to bid in the spring of 2011.
Project Location: Durham, Maine
Year Completed: 2011
February 17, 2016